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Sadistic Billionaire (The Collection) Page 4
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Page 4
"Of course. I would never joke around about a thing like that."
And then something magical happened. Troy Ripley, sadistic billionaire extraordinaire, got down on his knee and took my hand in his.
"Lana Devaroux, if that really is your name, will you do me the honor of becoming my wife?"
My stomach was full of butterflies, and my eyes were filling with tears.
"Yes, God yes!" I cried out and got on my knees and kissed him like I'd never kissed any guy before in my life. "You've made me the happiest woman alive, Troy, you know that?"
Troy grinned wide and gifted me with his beautiful smile. The smile of a happy man, not of a man looking for somebody to hurt to make himself feel better.
We held each other tight for quite awhile, and then we celebrated with another fuckfest, but one much gentler than the ones that came before it. It was as if before we were two pieces of a puzzle trying desperately to fit together, and now we just did.
It was effortless.
I guess most normal people have a word for something like this: Love.
When I seduced Troy Ripley I was looking for nothing more than a good fuck. But what I found was far more fulfilling: I found the love of my life.
The sex was always good and wild, of course, but once we realized there was something more there, and once that beautiful diamond ring was on my finger, we were so much more.
Once love entered our sex life, the feeling associated with our carnal adventures turned from primal ecstasy to something I can only call divine transcendence.
Yes, we still enjoyed our kinks, and believe me that red room saw as much action as before, but now it wasn't only lust that drove our desires, there was also Love.
Hard To Stay
I slapped Troy hard, but by the look of the growing bulge in his pants, it had the opposite effect I was going for.
"I blame you," he said, looking more than a bit pissed off. "You're the one who showed me that inflicting pain wasn't the only way to get excited."
"Well, watch it Romeo. Anyway, back to my main point. We've been engaged for a couple of months now, and I still haven't met any of your family. Are you embarrassed by me, Troy, is that it?"
He came in closer and put his big arms around me. I felt safe once again in his arms, but that didn't mean I wasn't also angry.
"No, I'm embarrassed by my family, not you," he gave me a deep kiss like only he could. "I was just suggesting that we have better things to do with our time."
"Like what? Other people? I thought you wanted to be exclusive."
"Lana, you know I love you, right? I mean that big diamond on your finger is proof enough, right?"
"Yeah, I guess," I said reluctantly. "But I thought our sex life was fine. I mean, I'm satisfied."
"I'm satisfied, too, but that doesn't mean I don't want a little variety now and then. I have this friend who's coming for our wedding." Our wedding was scheduled for next month, which was the reason I was so pissed that he hadn’t introduced me to his family yet. "He's actually going to be my best man. I think...you're going to like him."
"What the hell is that supposed to mean, Troy?"
"It means exactly what it sounds like: I was thinking maybe we could invite him into our Red Room."
Our "Red Room" as we called it was Troy's basement, which we used for all our BDSM activities.
"Why aren’t any of your friends and family coming again?" Troy asked me for the billionth time.
"Because I don't have any," I quickly said. "Could you just leave it alone?"
"It's just that I don't know you that well Lana. You know more about me than I do about you."
"You know the important stuff: you know I'm great in the sack and you know I love you. What more do you need?"
Troy pushed me against the wall. Hard. He spread my legs with his hand and breathed hard on my neck, kissing it gently. I felt his erection pushing against my skirt. His hands went up my thighs and to my center. His finger slipped into my wet pussy and I gasped. Then he slipped another finger in. And another.
"Fuck, Troy," I moaned.
"I know your body almost as well as I know mine," he whispered in my ear. "I want to know your soul, as well. Is that so hard to grasp?"
I pushed him away. It was hard, but I had to do it. Besides, I knew the rejection would only make him want me that much more.
Troy breathed in hard, looking as gorgeous as ever in his designer suit that showed off his growing bulge well. I wanted to get on my knees right there and then and show him how much I really loved him, but there would be time for that later.
Jackson, Troy's best man, arrived a couple of days later.
I didn't know what to expect. Was he going to be another billionaire douchebag I couldn't stand (I had met a lot of those over these last few months being with Troy), but the moment I saw Jackson, I knew he was different.
He arrived on a motorcycle and he wore a leather jacket. When he entered the huge mansion he took off his leather jacket and showed off the beautiful intricate tattoos on his arms. He wore a simple t-shirt and jeans, the complete opposite of Troy, but just as hot.
Jackson had that "bad boy" look about him that definitely made me feel something in my center.
When he smiled, somehow he became even more gorgeous. He had dark hair much like Troy, but it was longer, messy yet perfect too.
"Hi, my name's Jackson," he said and held out his hand to me. I shook his hand and felt the strength of this man. By the looks of his arms, he definitely worked out. "You must be Lana? Troy's told me so much about you."
"Mostly good things, I hope?"
Jackson’s grin became wider. "Yes...mostly," he said and winked mischievously at me. I could see why he and Troy were such good friends.
"Troy's out on some business, but he should be back soon," I said. "Make yourself comfortable. Want anything to drink?"
"Sure," he said. "Beer would be nice if you guys have it."
"Follow me," I said as I made my way to the kitchen. Sure Troy had servants around, but I wasn't really used to relaying on them. Unless the guest was somebody I didn't like, of course. But Jackson...he made a good first impression on me, and I wanted to get to know him better.
I handed him a cold beer from the big fridge and he took it gleefully. He took a long hard swig, showing off his nice chest. I even saw a little happy trail going down his firm belly as he swung back.
"I needed that," he said in his deep manly voice. "Thanks, Lana."
"So how do you know Troy? He didn't tell me much about you except that you were coming over and that you're going to be his best man."
"Well, that's a long story. Let's just say that I saved his life once. We've been good friends ever since. I'm not as filthy rich like he is, if that's what you're wondering, but I do pretty well for myself. I own a car repair shop and I race cars on the side."
"Wow that must be exciting and not mention dangerous! How do you do it?"
Jackson laughed that infectious laugh of his and I liked him even more. "I just do. I can’t see myself doing anything else. What do you do for a living? Troy didn't say."
"I'm a professional gold digger," I said seriously. "I meet rich men like Troy and take them for all they're worth."
Jackson laughed again. "You've got quite the sense of humor, I'll give you that."
"Who says I'm joking?" I said seriously.
Jackson got serious, too. "Usually gold diggers don't come out right and say it, do they?"
"Is that a hard and fast rule?"
"Well...I don't really know now that I think about it."
I smiled. "Don't worry, Jackson, I find Troy's wealth the least interesting thing about him. I'm more interested in his...other assets." I said and smiled suggestively.
"Touché," Jackson said and laughed nervously.
"I'm actually a writer. You wouldn't have heard of me because I haven't sold anything yet, but I've also done some freelance journalism. It's been fun traveling the world
and looking for that next story. Of course, since I've met Troy..."
"Let me take a wild guess: you haven't had much time for anything but Troy, am I right?"
"That's exactly it," I said. "Hopefully after the wedding we can each focus on something besides ourselves!"
"Probably after the honeymoon," Jackson said and winked. "But I do understand. Troy has that effect on people. He pulls you in and you forget the rest of the world exists. It doesn't hurt that he lives in this place!" Jackson spread his hands wide.
"It is quite magical," I said. "It's nice to get away from everything, isn't it? Is it so wrong that maybe I don't want to go back to the outside world? That I want to stay here forever, living this fairytale with Troy?"
Jackson took a long swig of his beer and breathed in hard. "It's dangerous to think like that, Lana. You have to become your own person. It's not healthy to lose yourself in another person so completely. It starts gnawing at you after awhile, and then you start blaming the other person for that terrible feeling in your gut that everything in your life is wrong."
"Have some experience in that arena, I'm guessing?"
"Oh, yes," Jackson said. "Quite a bit." He laughed that nervous laugh of his again, and I could see that I was making him uncomfortable.
"Let’s go out by the pool. It's a beautiful day," I said as a way to change the subject.
"Sure. Didn't bring my swimming trunks, though."
"Who said you need them?" I said and smiled seductively.
Sadly, Jackson opted to borrow some of Troy's swimming trunks and as I gazed down into the water to appreciate his form, I did not see a butt naked version of him, but nonetheless, I was impressed by what I did see.
Jackson had a nice swimmer's body and it only made sense that he was a good swimmer. He also had lovely intricate tattoos on his arms and torso. I had the urge to trace my fingers over them, but somehow it didn't feel appropriate. Now that I had Troy's ring on my finger, it somehow felt wrong to think about other men in that way.
I myself wasn't much of a swimmer so I soaked in the sun and watched the godly Jackson swim laps from one end of the pool to the next.
Presumably he grew bored of swimming alone and stopped in the middle of the pool and swam over to the edge. He looked up at me, all soaking wet and sexy, and smiled that infectious smile of his.
"Are you sure you don't want to join me? It's quite lonely down here."
I got up from my resting spot and walked over to where Jackson was and I stood over him like a queen.
"Swimming has never been my favorite activity," I simply said. I didn't want to go into all the sordid details. Let's just say that water and I have learned to stay away from each other.
Jackson splashed me playfully and I giggled like a silly school girl as I ran away and ran right into Troy.
"Whoa, whoa, slow down there, honey," he said as he stopped me in my tracks. He looked over to the pool just as Jackson was exiting the water. I looked, too, as I was mesmerized by his beautiful form emerging out of the water. "It looks like you two have been having fun without me," Troy added when he saw me staring.
I quickly turned my gaze to the man I loved, but soon Jackson came and they hugged.
"Shit, now I'm all wet," Troy said as he let go of his friend.
"Good to see you old friend," Jackson said.
"You too. I’m glad you've met Lana already. Isn't she just as I described?"
"I'd say she's a lot more impressive than your stories," Jackson said and winked at me.
Jackson ran in to dry off and put some clothes on while I and Troy stayed behind by the pool.
"What did I tell you?" Troy said. "I knew you'd like him."
"I didn't say I did," I said as I blushed a little.
"It's written all over your face," he said as he drew me close and gave me a deep kiss. "I think this is going to be the start of something wonderful, don't you?"
I secured Troy to the wall with the manacles. He grew restless but didn't say a word, probably because I also gagged him with a ball gag.
"Wow, I never thought I'd see the day," Jackson said when he saw my handiwork.
"Watch this," I said as I moved to the wall of whips. I took a small one and walked back to where Troy was. He was shirtless, but he still had his pants on. I twisted his nipples and whipped his chest hard with the whip.
I did it again.
The bulge in his pants was growing, the pants hardly able to contain the beast within.
"Interesting," Jackson said. "You've turned him from master to slave. Quite the accomplishment."
I smiled seductively and came closer to the fully clothed Jackson. He breathed in hard as I put my arms on his big broad shoulders.
I kissed him gently on the lips as Troy watched. If he wanted to invite his friend into our sex life, he'd have to stand in the sidelines and just observe for now.
I took Jackson's hand and led him to where Troy was secured against the wall. He breathed hard and looked like he wanted to say something. Red welts already started to appear on his perfectly muscled chest.
I handed Jackson the small whip. "Don't you want to give it a try?" I said and smiled.
"No...I don't know...Troy doesn't look too happy right now."
I looked over and indeed Troy's eyes were like saucers. He looked like he was going to explode. That only made the whole affair more exciting for me.
I took Jackson's hand into my own and traced the tattoos along his wrist and arm. "Don't you want to repay him for all the pain he's caused you?"
"He...he didn't." Jackson looked embarrassed and secretive at the same time.
I traced my fingers along the scars I could make out in the tattoos. "Don't worry, Jackson. I know you two were lovers once. Or maybe he just gave you these scars and nothing else."
"It was a long time ago. We were both...experimenting. In the end, we decided it wasn't for us. That we preferred women."
I looked over at Troy and he looked like he was going to burst his blood vessels.
I put my arms around Jackson's neck and gave him a deep kiss this time. Tasting his mouth with my tongue. He tasted different than Troy, but not in a bad way. At first he was reluctant, but soon he returned my kiss eagerly and put his hands around my waist. I was wearing a tight t-shirt and shot shorts. I could feel Jackson hardening through his jeans.
"Use the whip, and you might have a chance with me," I said.
Jackson gave me an angry look but he did as he was told. He swung the whip and hit Troy's bare chest.
I came up behind him and whispered in his ear. "Harder."
He hit him again, this time harder.
"Harder," I said again.
Once I saw Troy's bulge get as big as it was about to, I took the whip and threw it as far away as possible.
"Good boy. Looks like we've gotten Troy all hot and bothered. Wanna give him a show?"
Jackson nodded as he basically threw me down on the cushions in the center of the room, giving Troy the best view in the house.
We tore each other's clothes off like animals in heat, which I guess we were. I was stark naked on my knees when I unbuttoned the bulging jeans that contained Jackson. His thick cock greeted me as I carefully set him free. He wasn't as long as Troy, but he was thick and veiny and beautiful. I took his warm member in my hand and put the head in my mouth. I heard Jackson breathe hard above me, obviously enjoying himself but also feeling guilty because his friend couldn't participate.
I sucked Jackson's cock right in front of Troy, because I knew it would enrage him. When he'd said that he wanted to invite Jackson into our sex life, I knew that he wanted to be the one in control of the situation. And now I was taking that away from him.
I stroked Jackson's thick member and sucked it like a pro. I didn't let him cum, though. I worked his cock nice and long until he was as hard as he was going to get, and then I leaned back and laid on the cushions. I spread my legs seductively and fingered my wet pussy.
"Do you want it, Jackson?" I said slowly.
Jackson nodded.
"Then come and get it."
In a nanosecond Jackson's tongue was penetrating my depths. He gave good head, though not as good as Troy with his extra long tongue.
I moaned and played with my boobs. Jackson was soon on top of me and put my hard nipples in his mouth and made them soft again. This drove me wild and made my pussy that much wetter.
Then he penetrated my pussy with his hot, thick member and I screamed out in pleasure.
"Fuck that pussy, Jackson," I urged him as he thrust himself in balls deep.
"Oh god, you feel so good," he grunted as he started to fuck me.
At first his pace was slow and gentle, but as I urged him on, he became more aggressive. Pretty soon he was pounding my pussy like a champ and I loved every second of it. I moaned, he grunted. I came multiple times. I held on to Jack's nice little ass and broad back as he fucked me hard.
"Faster, baby," I urged him on as I looked over at Troy. I smiled seductively in his direction as his friend was pounding my pussy right in front of him.
"Fuckin' hell, you're so tight," Jackson grunted as he pounded me harder.
And then finally, gloriously, he came too. I felt his hot seed bursting deep within me. Thank god for birth control, am I right?
Jackson must have had a lot in store, because his hot cum kept coming and coming, which made me come more too.
Finally, he collapsed on tip of me, both of us sweat drenched.
"That was fucking amazing," he finally said when his breathing normalized.
"You weren't so bad yourself," I said as I planted kisses on his chest. Then I went further down and lapped up the dripping juices from his semi-hard cock.
He soon returned the favor as he ate my pussy once more. He surprised me by doing that, which made me like him even more.
Once he was done I took his hand and led him to where Troy was restrained.
"Look," I said to Jackson. "I think he enjoyed the show."
Indeed, Troy's pants were cum-stained now. It looked like he came just by looking at Jackson fucking me.